Supply me with your pictures and or video clips and I will put them together for a Celebration of life video with your choice of songs edited in a tasteful and timeless video to share with Family and friends.
You need to find someone that specializes in getting your event recorded and or live streamed right the first time. You have one chance to get it when it comes to a live event. VITVca has a great track record of getting it recorded and live streamed. I can even livestream it to 5 locations at once.
Work together with us to manage the complete event so that we can meet with your sound team or (to provide sound at your event) organizers to ensure we have enough room and proper camera placement so that we can get those shots you were hoping for when you set out your vision of recording/livestreaming your event.
There are many ways of delivering your video to your Clients or potential clients.
A video file can be uploaded through many hosts and shared by e-mail and let your clients download it at their leisure and watch it.
Hosting a video file on a site like YouTube or Vimeo. Vimeo has an advantage over YouTube as it is a paid video hosting company and has no ads so you can embed it into your website and simply push play.
DVD’s BluRay discs can be run through our studio and make as many copies as you may need so you can mail out your copies and grab potential clients attention.